Prostate Scams Exposed

"Find Out Which Pills Really Work And Which Don't"

There Are Four Main Scams In The Prostate Industry That You Should Be Aware Of:
Lying About Ingredients – Many companies lie about what is really contained in their product. What they say on the label is NOT what is in the bottle. That is why I spent so much money on lab tests to expose the good companies from the bad companies. I tested and ranked every product here on the website. The most effective ingredient, according to all the published clinical studies, for prostate health – by far – is beta-sitosterol. If you don’t have that, you really don’t have anything. So the lab reports on each product shows you what each product contains- and that is the key. Remember, advertisements can lie or exaggerate . .. but lab reports don’t lie.
Fake Review Sites – The Internet is flooded with fake prostate product review sites. You will see below I expose these crooked companies. The products promoted by crooked websites are: Prostavol, Prostara, Prostaleaf and Prostafin .See expose on these scams below on this page.
Free Trail Scams – You often see ads offering you a free bottle of a product and are only required to pay a small shipping fee of like $5. Most of these are merely credit card scams designed to get your card and then to charge you, as much at $120 21 days later for more products. Most of these “Free trials” are operated by companies hiding out in other countries hiding form the law.
Saw Palmetto – This product does not work. It has been touted for years as a wonder herb for prostate health. It’s complete bullshit. The REAL clinical trials show that saw palmetto is no more effective than a placebo (sugar pill). It does not work – don’t waste your money.
Mail Order Scams – Many of the brochures and sales letters you may get in the mail offering prostate products are pure 100%frauds. Often they use fake doctors and worthless ingredients. There are some good companies that offer their prostate supplements through the mail, but I have put together a list of some below that are just total riff offs out to steal your money.

A classic example of a fake prostate supplement review website is the which was created to help sell the product Prostavol.
This is one of the many websites that attempts to trick you into buying their product with false review website that give the appearance of being serious, credible and honest.
The website claims to have evaluated brands using their “in-house labs to verify that the ingredients are in the pills themselves.” This is comical. The website was started in a house and they do not have an in-house laboratory. It’s just a slick scam.
While claims to be concerned about prostate supplement companies who want to “prey upon men with a true need of reducing the frequency of their trips to the bathroom” – it is the operators of this site who are in fact preying upon men.
The photo for “senior health writer “ John Montgomery is more trickery – he does not exist. This is a photo of an male model, not some researcher named John Montgomery as the website claims. The website is a scam designed by the owners of the supplement Prostavol to sell Prostavol.

If you are searching on the internet chance are you will come across this fraudulent website. It’s a total scam for a ridiculous product called Prostafin. The website is run and operated by a woman in Los Angeles named. Queeny Lapena.
The claims to have done all kinds of analysis and third party testing. It’s just some liar operating out of a shabby little apartment Los Angeles trying to rip you off. Now you know.

Yet another fake and false prostate supplement review site is It is another fake website designed to trick you into thinking it is a legitimate evaluation of prostate supplements like our website. It’s sole purpose is to trick consumers into buying their product ProstaLeaf. is a fraud. This bogus website has a photograph of a person identified as James Erwins who is identified as the "senior researcher and Editor" of the bogus site.
On the “Contact Us” page the address listed is an apartment in Venice, California – not exactly a research laboratory.
There is no researcher named James Erwins. He does not exist. It's a photo the scamsters behind this website got off the internet.
Don’t get ripped-off by this fraud.